digital campaign materials

As part of getting your campaign in front of voting students, you might want to put together some digital posters to be exhibited on the screens across campus.

We recommend using Canva to do this, as there are plenty of free to use templates available – they should be eye catching, easy to read, have your name (and photo ideally) and a few main points from your manifesto.

Please note that your manifesto will need to be checked by the Guild Elections team to ensure it follows Elections guidelines before any campaign materials can be posted, including digital campaign materials.

You will need two versions to fit the correct screen dimensions – one Portrait (1920 x1080) and one Landscape (1080 x 1920). These materials also need to be spellchecked before submitting, so we’d recommend getting a friend to double check it for you!

We can also Spellcheck this for you if you don’t have someone you would feel confident to check this over for you – Get in touch with a member of the Guild Team if this is something you need.

Once your manifesto has been checked and approved, and your two versions have been spellchecked, email your two files to with the subject line ‘Elections Digital Campaign Materials’ followed by your name.

As with all other campaign materials do not attempt to submit your digital posters before your manifesto has been approved, as they will not be posted. Equally, please do not attempt to submit your materials before the start of the campaigning (even if your manifesto has been approved) as it will not be added to the screens until the star of campaigning, and files sent early may be lost.

Lastly, remember to be polite to UCB staff throughout your campaign – Elections is many people’s first impression of you, make sure it’s a good one!

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