The UCB Guild of Students is led by our elected student officers who represent the voice of the student body, making important decisions that impact your university experience.
Our elections give you the power to choose (or put yourself as) the student leaders who will guide our student community, advocate for your needs, and ensure that UCB is a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive place to study.
Role Descriptions
Our elected Officers have three key focuses – Education, Societies & Activities, and Equalities.
This Year we will be electing three officers for each focus with two part-time positions and one full-time position, meaning we will have a total of nine Guild Officers to be elected. You can see descriptions for each of these positions below:
Nominate Yourself
If you would like to stand in our elections for one of these positions, please click the link below. Full training on election rules will be given to nomination candidates, as well as advice available for writing your manifesto and running a good campaign. Or maybe you know somebody you think would be a brilliant officer – tell us through Recommend A Friend!
All candidates must attend this training and submit a manifesto before the start of campaigning – you have until February 21st. We recommend you submit your nomination as soon as possible!
Elections Resource Hub
All the currently available resources related to our elections, all in one place!