
You can contact us if you’re unhappy with any aspect of your student experience, whether it is your course, your accommodation or your general experience at UCB.

How do complaints work?

There are 4 or 5 stages to putting in a complaint, depending if your degree is accredited by University College Birmingham or Warwick University.

  • 1. Early Resolution Process
  • 2. Submitting a formal complaint, via the UCB Student Complaint Form 
  • 3. Requesting a review, if your formal complaint is not resolved satisfactorily
  • 4. (If Warwick degree) Taking your appeal through Warwick University’s structures (optional)
  • 4/5. Complaining to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator

You can read both the full UCB Complaints Procedure and the Assessment Appeals Procedure online at UCB’s Policies page.

Can I come to the Guild of Students with a complaint?

Yes, you can come to us and we will provide you with signposting and initial advice relating to all kinds of issues. Such as:

  • The support you’ve had while you’re learning
  • What is actually on your course and how it relates to your learning
  • Your experience of teaching
  • Physical or verbal harassment or bullying, whether it is from staff or student

If you’re unsure if the Guild can help you, it won’t hurt to get in touch. We will always respond to any enquiries and do our best to get you to the right information. 

How can the Guild help me?

The majority of complaints will be resolved informally, and we can help you to work out the best way to approach this and which staff or departments it is most useful for you to talk to.

We can also support you in submitting a formal complaint, should approaching an informal route have failed to bring you a resolution or if your complaint is very serious and needs to go straight to a formal approach.

We can also help you to prepare a review if you wish to appeal the outcome of a complaint.

Book a Meeting

If you’d like to speak to us, we would like to hear from you. Book a meeting here: